TSG Annual party 2019 HCMC

Publish: 7/11/2023 Viewed: 4143

TSG Annual party 2019 HCMC

Lion Dance Opening

Opening Speech by Kelvin Chan

Directors and VIP guests toasting to start off the party


Mr. Lam Trong Luong was awarded by Brother Sewing Machine for Best Sales 2018



Tung Shing Group founder Dr. Chan Tung and wife



Our Chairman and Vice Chairman




Mr. and Mrs. Zadig Chan



Top management and long term strategic partners





Game - Blind Fold Biting



Game - Beer Relay



Table game - Collectors




Cash Lucky draw winners




Lucky Draw grand prize (Honda Vision) sponsored by Mr. Lee




Our VIP guests



Our long term partner Viettien



Our HCMC team



Appliancz management and guests